We’ve written about showcase agencies in the past but Models Direct wants to bring this hot topic to your attention again as a gentle reminder about how our agency differs from showcase agencies. Let’s take a look.

A real team of people behind you
A showcase agency aka photo agent works quite simplistically. They commit to only posting models’ images on their website and wait for them to get noticed by clients. Legally, an agency like this can only place images online and operate no further. Why? This is essentially how they function as an agency hence their term “showcase.”
Models Direct, on the other hand, is a modelling employment agency that has a dedicated team of modelling coordinators whose responsibility is to source work for our talent.
We build a rapport with brands and businesses and put models forward to clients who are requesting for their look. As an MD model, it goes beyond just sticking your image online, leaving it there to gather dust and hoping that someone looking to hire talent will notice you.
Our personalised modelling services mean you’ll have an agent who knows you, and has your best interests at heart, working actively to find you suitable gigs.
As you probably already know, the modelling industry is fast-paced and extremely competitive, so with Models Direct being a leading UK modelling employment agency, it’s reassuring for models to know that our team are real people, always on hand to speak to. Whether this is by phone, email or even in person, our Norwich HQ is a lively hub ready to help and advise new and existing models at any stage of the modelling process.
As for clients, they’re busy people too and are likely to have no time to look for models themselves, negotiate rates or organise logistics. This is why they’ll use an agency like ours as opposed to a showcase agency since we go the extra mile not just because we legally can, but because we want to! After all, Models Direct has been in the industry for over thirty years! We love what we do and seek to help models and clients achieve their goals.
Our models are paid on time
Our modelling employment agency ensures our models are paid for their time. We negotiate fees and discuss this with our potential model before booking them. We also guarantee to pay our models within 5 working days of completing the modelling gig so there’s no chasing or having to follow up with payments.
However, a showcase agency isn’t able to provide this feature. Clients might not have a budget set, so models being booked could be expected to be paid on the lower end of the scale.
Clients have been fully vetted

We do meticulous checks on all our clients before they see any of our model’s images. With a showcase agency, they cannot guarantee that these checks will be carried out and might put a model at risk of having their images shared in a manner that the model might not want.
Portfolio photographs can be created by models
Models Direct doesn’t ask for professional images to build our models’ ePortfolios, whereas showcase agencies do! We know that this would be an extra expense for our models and might not necessarily guarantee work. We offer lots of advice on how to make sure portfolio images can be the best they can be. Ultimately, if you have good quality pics and are following our advice, your images could be just as good if not better than professional ones.
We’re regulated by the BIS
If you’re registered with Models Direct you’ll know that our agency is regulated by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. The BIS protects consumers by regularly checking that all talent and modelling agencies meet legal requirements. A showcase agency isn’t regulated so is unmanaged by a governing body overseeing that it’s performing the best business practices.
The takeaway
Modelling is competitive and no agency can promise a model work. Ultimately, it’s up to the client who they select. However, being signed with Models Direct means your images will be put forward to trusted clients that require your look, talent, location or experience.
If Models Direct sounds like an agency you would like to be represented by then let us know! We’re embracing diverse new models every day.